Air Sejuk I Cold Water
Lately, I seem too’ allergic to cold water. Not the one from the shower tab but the one in the cup, mug or what, cold drinks I mean. I Bing and Google up some information and this is it. Few things about it.
1. Fast absorption in the body [in the intestine].
2. Heat balance after exercise.
3. Remedies for those who got the extreme memory problem.
4. Chewing the ice may increase the body movement and thinking activities.
5. Good energy absorber and transporter to the entire body.
6. Burn 861+ calories to heat the cold water up to body temperature [thermogenesis].
1. Tendency to heart attack. http://www.knowledgebase-script.com/demo/article-179.html
2. Interrupt digestion surrounding temperature.
3. Sudden heat changes that may interrupt the body system.
4. Some irritable side effects may include; vomiting, diarea, hypothermia, sinus syndrome, tension, stress, drowsiness.
5. Drinking very cold water can also cause pain to those with sensitive teeth, or who suffer from frequent headaches or migraines.
6. Misbalance of body fluids.
Who says this?
- Dr. Apurva A. Tamhane, Shree Chamundamata Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital
- Dr.Nohissam Mustafa - Aromatherapy Vibration
- Dr.Nohissam Mustafa.
- Dr. Alexa Fleckenstein, “water doctor”, author of Health2O and Healthy to 100.
- Linus Orakles http://www.authorclub.info/
:: I realized that,.. not “allergic” but maybe too sensitive,.. J
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